Damandria the Calm:Female Human Wilder 7; CR 7; Medium-size Humanoid ; HD 7d6+7; hp 25; Init +1; Spd 20 ft.; AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10; Base Atk +5; Grp +7; Atk +10 melee ( 1d6+5 (x2), +3 Quarterstaff ) , +7 melee ( 1d6+2 (x2), Quarterstaff(Alt.) ) ; Full Atk +10 melee ( 1d6+5 (x2), +3 Quarterstaff ) , +7 melee ( 1d6+2 (x2), Quarterstaff(Alt.) ) ; SA Bonus Feat at 1st Level, 4 Extra Skillpoints at 1st Level, 1 Extra Skillpoint per Level, Power Points; SQ Powers, Wild Surge +1, Psychic Enervation, Elude Touch, Surging Euphoria +1, Volatile Mind (1 power points); AL Neutral Good; SV Fort+3, Refl+3, Will+8; Str15, Dex12, Con13, Int6, Wis16, Cha17( 18) .
Skills and Feats: Concentration+11, Jump+4, Tumble+3, Autohypnosis+15, Psicraft+8; Acrobatic, Combat Manifestation, Mind Over Body, Inquisitor;
Wilder Powers: ( 60 Power Points/Day, Save DC 14 + power level):
1st- Demoralize; 2nd- Mental Disruption; 3th- Keen Edge, Psionic, Telekinetic Thrust.
Possessions: +1 Heavy Steel Shield, Darkvision (potion), Bottle of Air, Cat's Grace (potion), Robe of Useful Items, 1 Gem (worth 700 GP), 1 Gem (worth 80 GP), +3 Quarterstaff, Quarterstaff(Alt.); Wealth1150 GP;

This character was created using Campaign Suite Extended, (c) 2004 Twin Rose Software.