Ianander Canvianis:Female Elan Egoist 3; CR 3; Medium-size Aberration ; HD 3d4+3; hp 10; Init 0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10; Base Atk +1; Grp +1; Atk +1 melee ( 1d6 (x2), Quarterstaff ) , +1 melee ( 1d6 (x2), Quarterstaff(Alt.) ) ; Full Atk +1 melee ( 1d6 (x2), Quarterstaff ) , +1 melee ( 1d6 (x2), Quarterstaff(Alt.) ) ; SA Power Points; SQ Natural Psionic, Resistance, Resiliance, Repletion, Powers, Discipline; AL Neutral Good; SV Fort+2, Refl+1, Will+4; Str10, Dex11, Con12, Int17, Wis13, Cha11.
Skills and Feats: Concentration+7, Craft (Calligraphy)+5, Autohypnosis+9, Psicraft+9; Psionic Talent 1, Power Penetration;
Egoist (Psychometabolism) Powers: ( 19 Power Points/Day, Save DC 13 + power level):
1st- Conceal Thoughts, Control Light; 2nd- Concealing Amorpha.
Possessions: Backpack, Bedroll, Flint and steel, Half-Plate, (3 x)Oil (1-pint flask), Quarterstaff, Quarterstaff(Alt.), Sack, Waterskin; Wealth10 PP, 2695 GP, 5 SP;

This character was created using Campaign Suite Extended, (c) 2004 Twin Rose Software.