Ssorath: Male Red Dragon Great Wyrm CR 26; Colossal Dragon (Fire) ; HD 40d12+440; hp 691; Init -1; Spd 40 ft.; AC 40, touch 40, flat-footed 41; Base Atk +40; Grp +56; Atk +49 melee ( 6d8+16 (x2), Bite ) , +48 melee ( 4d6+16 (x2), (2 x)Claw ) , +48 melee ( 4d6+16 (x2), Tail Slap ) , +29 ranged ( 1d8+2 19-20(x2), +2 Light Crossbow ) , +30 ranged ( 1d8+3 19-20(x2), +3 Light Crossbow ) , +47 melee ( 2d4+19 (x2), +3 Spiked Chain(Ghost Touch) ) , +47 melee ( 1d4+19 19-20(x2), +3 Dagger ) , +45 melee ( 1d8+17 19-20(x2), +1 Longsword ) , +47 melee ( 1d8+19 19-20(x2), +3 Longsword ) ; Full Atk +49 melee ( 6d8+16 (x2), Bite ) , +48 melee ( 4d6+16 (x2), (2 x)Claw ) , +48 melee ( 4d6+16 (x2), Tail Slap ) , +29/+24/+19/+14/+9/+4 ranged ( 1d8+2 19-20(x2), +2 Light Crossbow ) , +30/+25/+20/+15/+10/+5 ranged ( 1d8+3 19-20(x2), +3 Light Crossbow ) , +47/+42/+37/+32/+27/+22 melee ( 2d4+19 (x2), +3 Spiked Chain(Ghost Touch) ) , +47/+42/+37/+32/+27/+22 melee ( 1d4+19 19-20(x2), +3 Dagger ) , +45/+40/+35/+30/+25/+20 melee ( 1d8+17 19-20(x2), +1 Longsword ) , +47/+42/+37/+32/+27/+22 melee ( 1d8+19 19-20(x2), +3 Longsword ) ; SA Spell-like abilities, Crush, Sorcerer Spells, Breath Weapon 24d10 (40), Tail Sweep; SQ Spell Resistance, Frightful Presence, Damage Reduction, Immunity to paralysis, sleep and fire, Blindsense, Keen Senses, Vulnerability to Cold, Darkvision 120 ft., Fire Subtype, Locate Object, Suggestion, Find the Path, Discern Location; AL Chaotic Evil; SV Fort +33, Refl +21, Will +31; Str 42, Dex 9, Con 33, Int 27, Wis 28, Cha 26. Skills and Feats: Appraise +53, Bluff +51, Concentration +54, Decipher Script +53, Diplomacy +51, Disguise +10, Forgery +10, Gather Information +51, Heal +52, Intimidate +51, Listen +54, Sense Motive +52, Spellcraft +51, Spot +54, Use Magic Device +51; Flyby Attack, Hover, Empower Spell-Like Ability, Multiattack, Wingover, Improved Natural Attack, Improved Natural Armor, Improved Natural Armor, Combat Reflexes, Diligent, Deceitful, Weapon Focus (Bite), Alertness, Combat Casting; Sorcerer Spells Known ( 6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6/6 save DC 18 + spell level): 0- Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Mage Hand, Mending, Open/Close, Read Magic; 1st- Charm Person, Comprehend Languages, Detect Secret Doors, Protection from Good, Protection from Law; 2nd- Blindness/Deafness, Command Undead, Fox's Cunning, Ghoul Touch, Invisibility; 3th- Explosive Runes, Fireball, Flame Arrow, Gust of Wind; 4th- Detect Scrying, Evasive Black Tentacles, Greater Invisibility, Illusory Wall; 5th- Break Enchantment, Cloudkill, Contact Other Plane, Lent Secret Chest; 6th- Big Forceful Hand, Geas/Quest, Globe of Invulnerability; 7th- Forcecage, Greater Arcane Sight, Insanity; 8th- Greater Prying Eyes, Mass Charm Monster, Moment of Prescience; 9th- More Disjunction, Summon Monster IX.Possessions: +3 Dagger, +3 Full Plate, +3 Hide, +2 Light Crossbow, +3 Light Crossbow, +1 Longsword, +3 Longsword, Wand of Summon Monster II, Wand of Fireball (5th), Wand of Daylight, Pearl of Power (4th-level spell), 4th Level Arcane Scroll of 1 spells, Reduce Person (potion), Eagle's Splendor (potion), 3rd Level Arcane Scroll of 2 spells, Rod of Metal and Mineral Detection, Rod of Cancellation, Cloak of the Arachnida , Ring of Protection +2, Ring of Jumping, Improved, Wand of Cat's Grace, Cure Moderate Wounds (potion), Ioun Stone (iridescent spindle), Rod of Metamagic, Maximize, Lesser, Ring of Water Walking, Darkvision (potion), Figurine of Wondrous Power (serpentine owl), Bear's Endurance (potion), 4th Level Arcane Scroll of 2 spells, P½O , Wand of Owl's Wisdom, Heroism (potion), Rod of Flame Extinguishing, 3rd Level Divine Scroll of 1 spells, 4th Level Arcane Scroll of 3 spells, Robe of Scintillating Colors, 4th Level Arcane Scroll of 1 spells, Wand of Cat's Grace, Ring of Climbing, Improved, Figurine of Wondrous Power (ivory goats), Darkness (oil), Ring of Climbing, Improved, Greater Magic Weapon +1 (oil), 1 Artwork (worth 100 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 200 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 1100 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 600 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 200 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 1100 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 3000 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 20 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 90 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 1500 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 80 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 130 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 100 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 60 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 700 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 140 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 1300 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 1700 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 1800 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 170 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 1000 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 1400 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 800 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 800 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 200 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 1200 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 1500 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 1800 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 160 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 200 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 70 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 300 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 2100 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 3000 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 1600 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 20 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 300 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 500 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 500 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 1000 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 4000 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 200 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 1400 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 1000 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 80 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 100 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 50 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 120 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 1300 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 1100 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 140 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 300 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 1300 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 800 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 200 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 2300 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 70 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 700 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 600 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 300 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 100 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 1600 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 1300 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 200 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 200 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 2000 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 70 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 900 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 1100 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 1200 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 600 GP), 1 Artwork (worth 200 GP), +3 Spiked Chain(Ghost Touch); Wealth 3000 PP, 15100 GP, 9 SP, 10 CP;
This character was created using Campaign Suite Extended, (c) 2004 Twin Rose Software.