November 27, 2004

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  Thank You and Status Update for Campaign Suite    hits: 291
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We just wanted to take the opportunity to thank all of you for posting and emailing anything you find that doesn't seem to be working properly in the program. We know it seems as if we've not been here the last few days, but we have. We've just not been able to give you answers as quickly as we'd like.

Therefore, we wanted to give you something of a short list of items in the works.

1. We have one user using CS on XP who is having a consistent problem. We view this as a potentially serious problem so this has taken some priority. The user in question is now of the opinion that the problem is operator error. However, we want to be absolutely sure of that.

2. While working on the web pages for the Librum Equitis Volume 1 Data Expansion, we found three small items inadvertently left out of the data. So we are working to a) correct the situation; b) get corrections to the data out there; c) review our QC process and perhaps beef it up a bit. We will publish a list of what was missing with instructions on how to get the corrections when they are available. This will happen hopefully, later today.

3. All of the issues you've been posting on our forums and sending via email are being addressed as quickly as we can get to them. Answers are forthcoming.

3. SRD information and older data expansion files are being reviewed to determine the need for revision. Revisions will be released as they become available. Some of the revisions are just the inclusion of some data that could not be accommodated in the original data entry since the necessary feature didn't exist. If you notice something that needs to be corrected, please let us know.

4. There are three data expansions currently being entered that will be available soon. Some additional features or some minor changes to features will happen to accommodate some of the data. The data expansions include "Portable Hole Full of Beer" (just for fun), Librum Equitis Volume 2 based on the PDF, and Vigilance. That is likely to be the order in which they are released though I won't guarantee it.

Ambient, Inc. is going to use our LE2 data file to create npc's and a few other extra items for the print version. We consider this to be a nice test of the features and will be working closely with them.

5. Several of you have commented that while you like the campaign management features, you are much more interested in character generation than anything else. Campaign Suite is not and we do not claim to be a character generator for the general player. That is just not the focus of Campaign Suite. Character generation is a feature used by DM's for npc's, etc. That is why it exists.

We've been recently discussing providing a character generation only software. In studying whether we are going to do so, we'd like some feedback from you.

Would you be interested in it existing separately from the suite? If so, why?

What type of things would you want in it that aren't there now? I'm speaking of features, not data.

Do you want it's data files to be able to speak to Campaign Suite and the Campaign Suite data files to be able to speak to it?

And anything else you can think of...


Here's a few things you can anticipate.

We will be making changes to the website, some visible and some not. So if there are any problems, please let me know.

We have been having meetings with various people regarding our future plans. Some of the meetings originated at GenCon, actually. So you can expect a few announcements to be coming your way soon.

Hopefully, you will enjoy our growth over the next few months with us. And if there's something you'd really like to see, post on the forums and/or email us explaining what it is and why you'd like to see it.

Thanks for all your help in making Campaign Suite a better product!

Dee Peterson
Twin Rose Software
VP of Operations
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*  Thank You and Status Update for Campaign Suite Dee Peterson Sep 01, 2002 08:38 MDT

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