You have a very nice web site, excellent design, beautiful graphics, and your content is informative, entertaining, presented well and easy to access. A worthy enterprise and a positive contribution to the Web. Your site has been rated a Must-See site by Effie Rover's panel of judges.
We are therefore pleased to present you with
Effie Rover's GOLD WYRM RPG Web Site Award!
There are some awards out there that can easily be won by almost any site whether it is truly earned or not. A Gold Wyrm from Effie Rover is not one of them. Your site merits the following:
Your site is developed with an RPG audience in mind and primarily features this content. Content is original, useful, grammatically correct and visually appealing. Your graphics support your content and are not overpowering or distracting. Ease of navigation and quick graphics load time are excellent.
Effie Rover,