This ENNIE AWARD winning product now finds it's way to the Campaign Suite Data archives. You'll not find this product in any other format officially, only Campaign Suite. The Portable Hole Full of Beer for Campaign Suite (This Product contains no alcohol) has all of the following:
19 Feats
4 monsters
9 Prestige Classes
20 Weapons
4 pieces of Armor
1 Mini-adventure
4 pieces of Equipment
7 Alchemical Items (includes drugs)
19 Magical Items
1 Deity
2 Domains
2 Skills
1 Sample Character
Please note: This product requires the use of Campaign Suite from Twin Rose Software. Click here for more information.
Jason, Male Dwarf Reefer Madman3: Medium-size Humanoid (Dwarf); Lvl 3; hp 22; Init +2; Spd 20 ft.; AC 12; AL NG; SV Fort +5 Ref +5 Will +1; Str 14; Dex 14; Con 18; Int 13; Wis 11; Cha 11 Atks: Kebab Skewer +4 (1d2+2 (x2)), Large Skillet +4 (1d10+3 (x2)) Skills and Feats: Appraise +3, Balance +2, Bluff +4, Climb +2, Concentration +4, Craft +1, Diplomacy +3, Escape Artist +4, Forgery +1, Gather Information +6, Hide +4, Innuendo +6, Jump +2, Move Silently +2, Ride +2, Search +1, Swim +2, Use Rope +2, Pharmacology +4; Simple Weapon Proficiency, Sweat Hog, If I Can't See You... Posessions: Kebab Skewer, Large Skillet, Hobbit Pipeweed, Goof Balls, Instant Water, Scholar's outfit, Garnishing Kit; Money: 2658 gp, 8 sp
From Mortality.Net (April 11, 2002)...
A Review of the Supplement
"My favorite part is the Template section. Soon you might start seeing 12 Year Old Gamer Girl creatures, Mommy creatures, Munchkin creatures, and my absolute favorite: Dead creatures. The "Dead" template can be added to any living creature; here are only some of the adjustments: hit point total reduced to (and will remain at) –10 hp; speed reduced to 0; may be used by other creatures as an exotic bludgeoning weapon..."
Portable Hole Full of Beer:
This Product Contains No Alcohol
No need to line up for these 10 Prestige Classes, 16 Feats, and a new module from the Ambient Inc staff; you will be able to get your own Portable Hole Full of Beer (this product contains no alcohol) at your leisure from those hoopy froods over at RPGnow! You can download this 50 page PDF supplement for FREE from RPGNow!
List Price: FREE Our Price: FREE
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Son Of A Portable Hole!
(The Sequel)
The sequel to the ENnie / GenCon d20 Award-winning Portable Hole Full of Beer (this product contains no alcohol) is Here! That's right! The product that made Ryan Dancey exclaim "God Help Us All!" You can download this 68 page PDF supplement for FREE from RPGNow!
List Price: FREE Our Price: FREE
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Winner of the 2002 GenCon/E.N.World
d20 System Award