Importing Data Expansions, whether officially licensed from Twin Rose Software or from third party agencies follow the same procedure to add them to your configuration. The setup utility for officially licensed expansions will walk you through the initial installation; the directory you choose does not matter, so long as you remember where the file is located.
1.0 Importing an Expansion
1.1 Backing up Configuration
1.2 Import
2.0 Configuration vs. Campaign (Synopsis)
The first step is to choose from the File Menu and go to Config->Import. There is no shortcut button on the toolbar for Configuration Imports, so this must be done from the File->Config menu.
You will be prompted now if you wish to over-write your existing configuration. There is nothing wrong with choosing yes, however it may be a good idea at this time to back-up your currently loaded configuration. Also, if you do not have the proper configuration file loaded, now would be a good time to go back (choose cancel) and make sure that you have the correct file loaded. (For example, you may want to load Psionics 35 expansion into your Default35 configuration file, not your modern one).
To backup the currently loaded configuration, choose no, and then you will be prompted for the filename. Choose something you'll remember, like "Bobs Config". You can create a new folder for this new, merged configuration file or you can save it into your root Campaign Suite Extened folder - the choice is yours.
The final step, of course, is to import the expansion itself. You may select any Campaign Suite Extended XML file to import into the current configuration - it doesn't necassarily have to be an expansion file. All unique data (feats, classes, etc) will be added to the currently loaded Configuration File.
A configuration file contains all the information used by the various generators within Campaign Suite Extended. Whether a feat or class or race for Character Generation, a Trap for Dungeons, or demographic numbers for Town Generation, they are all included in a Campaign Suite Extended XML file.
A campaign file contains encounters, towns, character lists, and a variety of other things for a given Campaign, whether it's an entire adventure, an entire setting, or just a single town.