"Been Using the new CSX Beta for setting up my d20 Modern/Spycraft kitbash campaign and I love the improvments of the original software. I have been adding some of the classes and options from Spycraft to the D20 Modern data and It is a breeze with the new format. I can't wait for the full version. Thanks for a kickass gameing tool and please keep up the great work!" ---
"October 18, 2003 --- Campaign Suite is THE premier campaign manager. If you need to enter custom information, it is very easy to do. Need support for d20 Modern or 3.5? No problem -- it's already there. Add/delete/modify the the data files to your heart's content -- no scripting or programming required." --- from http://www.max.spokanebb.com/
"October 19, 2003 --- XML makes Campaign Suite Extended extremely flexible. From being able to export stat blocks for use in a campaign journal, to publishing your party's character sheets on your website, CSX allows itself to hundreds of uses." --- Jay Cline from Dragon Pro Games
"Very well made and thought out software. Whether you are using standard out of the book rules, or creating a campaign from scratch, CSX will do the job. This is the best RPG software suite I have used out of the many I have tried over the years. CSX is easy to use, and runs very smooth, even on an older machine." --- Storm Nobleheart